A journey into Ugandan women’s rights movement
Please adjust the title of this page to the title of your project.
Add a Featured Image for your project in the sidebar of this page by clicking the 'Set featured image' button; this will take you to a pop-up screen where you can upload a photo or graphic under the 'Upload files' tab.
In this text block and the one below, you may want to start the page with an introduction about yourself and the project/internship.
Address your audience: think about how to engage your audience in an attractive format, using, for instance, a slide show to introduce your project, inserting images/videos, perhaps even a spoken post/ pitch by yourself.
Is there a specific audience you are addressing, and how would you like them to read your page or react to it?
You may provide links to other sources, like weblogs/websites of organizations you are working with, manuals, etc.
Below you find inserted individual blocks with individual blog texts. The first is an example of a first impression during fieldwork of a student from last year's course. you can delete this and add your own.
This post is selected in the 'filter section' of this posts block, mentioning the post ID (in this case 9710: a number found in the left below side of your screen, when hoovering over the specific post in the post overview section)
To add a blog, click on add new under posts, like you have done for the previous assignments. Make sure you add tags and categories, which may help you organise your data later on.
The two other post blocks refer to previous assignments from the methods course, that you may wish to show. The first is a specific post filtered again by using a specific post number ID. The second block of posts is here filtered on the category Music- Africa in The Hague.
You may also filter posts on date, tags or specific categories.
you can include headers / textblocks or colums to design the most convenient lay out. or divide the page in different colums.
Contact us (thomas@voice4thought.org or kim@voice4thought.org) if you need help or for specific design requests, we can check on what is possible!.