Thema’s in de taalkunde van Latijns Amerika (BA, 2020-21)
This page is the result of a pilot project funded by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Leiden. It is the starting point of a macroproject with the aim of creating a digital publishing platform for the students of our faculty. To be able to carry out this idea, I chose a 3rd year Bachelor Linguistics course: ‘Thema’s in de Taalkunde van Latijns Amerika' (BA, 2020-21). This course aims to foster interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approaches to the study of linguistic research in a Latin American setting. The students in this course read original papers which adopt diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives in exploring two areas of study: second language acquisition and language variation.
At the end of this course, students have acquired a deep knowledge of the key topics surrounding linguistic research in these areas of study, and this has allowed them to compare and evaluate current research trends. In second language acquisition research, the next topics have received attention: the acquisition of the copula verbs and nominal agreement in Spanish, and the influence of a first language when acquiring a second language. In language variation research, these where the topics the students worked on: language contact situations, and particular varieties of the Spanish speaking world.
Paz Gonzalez Gonzalez