21st Century (2019/20)Course reflections On evolving as an academic thinker February 23, 2020 Alma Ionescu
21st Century (2019/20)Course reflections Reflections on Research Methods in the Digital Age February 23, 2020 Joris Martens
21st Century (2019/20)Course reflections Mixed Methods and Interdisciplinarity in research: What choices do you make? February 23, 2020 Sandra Bleeker
21st Century (2019/20)Researching Africa in the 21st century+1 Have you met… Tigris, Doris and Ennie? February 22, 2020 Sandra Bleeker
Congo crisisNegotiating Power in Africa A Blank Spot in the Drawing: The Organisation of African Unity and the Congo Crisis February 20, 2020 Corinna Billmaier
21st Century (2019/20)Student Projects Katete: account of my first three weeks in the field February 13, 2020 Sandra Bleeker
Congo crisisNegotiating Power in Africa Reflecting on Silences, Challenges and Methods February 12, 2020 Corinna Billmaier
Congo crisisNegotiating Power in Africa The OAU in the historical narrative and the African Union today: Interview with Sapin Makengele February 6, 2020 Corinna Billmaier