For Africans who live in China, a massive business opportunity lies at their feet...The world of Chinese e-commerce. Taobao,, Pinduoduo are platforms where millions and millions of Chinese buy and sell commodities every day, every hour, and every minute. For foreigners, it is hard to understand and use these platforms, not only because of the lack of knowledge of Mandarin but also because the Chinese internet is not open for everyone. You need a Chinese bank account, a Chinese address, and a Chinese sim card. But quite often, Africans who go to China for study can fulfill all these requirements. When they finally enter the world of Taobao, business starts. They can buy all kinds of products, from kitchen utensils to electric motorcycles. If someone from their African community wants a nice cheap mobile phone, they can arrange it. Interested in this story and want to know what a Nigerian who lived in China thinks of this business opportunity? Wait no longer and listen to our podcast!

...not convinced yet but do you want to hear Yangzhi speak fantastic Hausa? Tune in!

African students in China