Researching Africa in the 21st century (2020/2021)
Week 1: Introduction to Researching Africa
Right-click to download the Powerpoint files:
Publication of the digital (105 Mb)
Researching Africa in the 21th century: rethink African studies? (2 Mb)
Some moments from our first seminar with students, getting to know each other, our multidisciplinary research backgrounds and the aims for the rest of the seminars:

Week 2: Ethnography
Right-click to download the Powerpoint file:
Interdisciplinary perspectives on the intergenerational transmission of violence and resilience (48 Mb)
Download PDF: The Rastafari inEthiopia: Challenges and Paradoxes of Belonging (7 Mb)
Week 3: History and Anthropology
Week 4: Language and Research
Week 5: Figures and Statistics
Week 6: Ethics
Video coming soon